React Project Structure and CSS Styling
Project Structure and CSS Styling in React
Organizing a React project into folders and files is a highly opinionated topic. That's why there is no real common sense here. However, every team I am on-boarding to React is asking me about it, so I had to write about it: React Project Structure in 5 Steps.
How do you like to structure your React projects?
Another confusing topic for React beginners: CSS Styling. From beginner to expert, there are a lot of different styling techniques for React. This guide should give you a great outline about styling strategies and approaches in React. Which one is your favorite styling strategy/approach in React?
Errors in JavaScript
Nobody speaks about error handling in JavaScript. How do you like using then/catch or async/await with try/catch blocks? In case you didn't know, you can mix these techniques for an alternative way of error handling as well.
If you are using Node.js with a middleware framework like Express.js, there is no way around error handling. That's why I have written a new tutorial about error handling in Express which integrates nicely into my Express tutorial series. It uses custom JavaScript errors.
Team Workflow with Git and Microservices
I am a big fan of Git and GitHub and whenever I work with a new company in Germany, I check their version control workflow. Often, it doesn't go beyond two branches, but once a company grows, I recommend to use feature branches. Since I have demonstrated this approach very often, I have written down everything I know about a Git Workflow for Teams.
Are you using feature branches at your company?
On a personal note, I am ditching Microservices for my personal website. I very much liked the concept of Microservice architectures at my last job, however, if you are just a solo developer, it's tough to maintain it. What do you think about microservices?
Personal Recommendation
Just recently I watched the mini documentary When They See Us on Netflix. I find it's a must watch, not only regarding the Black Lives Matter movements, but because the actors take you on an emotional ride based on true events.
That's it from me! I hope you like the tutorials and my personal recommendations :-) See you next time.
Cheers, Robin